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Report Text About Fish

       Kali ini aku mau posted tentang pelajaran aku minggu minggu ini nih yang buat aku tuh sibuk buat menghafal, mau ta ga apa tugasnya ? Tugasnya yaitu, saya di suruh bikin membuat report text tentang ikan nih dan harus di hafalin untuk persentasi di depan kelas, ini text saya untuk persentasi.


Fishes are cold-blooded animals that beathes by gills and fins to swim.

Fishes live in water, salt water, brackish water, and fresh water. Sishes live in the salt water and fresh water.

Fishes have slimy scales, have fins to swim, breathe by gills, reproduce by laying eggs, and clod-blooded.

Vegetable fish food are : eceng gondok, taro leaf, papaya leaf. Other fish food are : baby fish, silk worms, and pellets.

The fertilization happen out the fishes. Altthough there are milions eggs. But eggs that be fertilized only 5 %.

Maaf yah kalo salah, atau terlalu sedikit, maklum saja lah saya masih belajar,  semoga bermanfaat.

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